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Do you only love me for the treats?

Dog Collar

Love is a crispy snack with a nougat center,


The fuzzy little tree mouse is sitting outside of the window, taunting. I begin to bark. You notice my concentration and endless bellowing as I pace the windowsill, waiting for the moment that the glass becomes dense enough that I can finally snatch him up. I notice a soft familiar command growing loader with frustration. Oh, its you, My owner. My best friend. I wag my tail at you for a moment before noticing the furry monster is still there, hanging from the tree branch.

Bark.... Bark.....

"SIT!!!" echo's through the living room. Suddenly my rump is on the floor as if I was under a magical spell. I look up at as you say the words, good boy...

You are right, I am a good boy.

and then you give me love. 



 Training 101

  • Treats are an introductory incentive for rewarding positive behaviors when beginning training sessions.  

  • Pick one training behavior to focus on at a time and be patient.

  • Reward positive behavior only and do not get frustrated when the dog is not understanding your expectations. We need to keep training fun. 

  • Once your dog begins to understand the behavior that you are trying to implement, try weaning the treats out and reward with affection. You can do something as simple as an affectionate pat on the head followed by a familiar phrase, "Good Boy or Girl". 

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