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Is the leash pulling you?

Many Dogs

Being the Caboose is a tough gig. 


I wake up in the morning and I step outside, to be drug around like the caboose to a train with no destination.

Winding down avenue A and a swift turn on Main St.

Should we stop at the sign or just whiz on by? 

We take a quick break to water the neighbors rose bush and now we are on the way back home. This adventure goes on every day. 

Will I every gain control.........


 Training 101

  • Leash training is not automatically learned by puppies and does take patience. 

  • Introduce the collar first and allow the dog to get used to wearing it. 

  • Walk the dog around your house while on the lease and positively reward with treats when they follow in the direction you are going. 

  • The dog should associate the collar and leash with a fun experience. Treats, going outside, etc.. 

  • When you begin the outside adventures, remember that there are many distractions. If the dogs begins pulling, plant yourself like a tree and refuse to move until the dog comes back to you. Reward the dog when it returns and begin the walk again. Never pull back on the dog or yank the leash, this could cause injury. 

  • Begin with short walks around the block and increase the duration when the dog begins to show positive behavior. 

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